
Vuescan it8 target
Vuescan it8 target

It also uses the output color space profile to determine which RGB values it puts in the output file. Under the Color tab, you set the information about the profile, but you also set the output space. Third, you should understand what vuescan does with the profile. The general wisdom is that you can't profile color negative film, but Vuescan managed to do it. I even managed to use it to profile my Epson 3200 scanning Portra 160, which is a color negative film. If you do that, it works just as the documentation says it does. Second, you have to read the instructions VERY carefully. That should be pretty clear because vuescan provides you with a grid to use in aligning the image properly. When setting the cropping area in preview, you use the area inside the lines. Make sure the camera and the target are perfectly level and parallel to each other so the image is square on. But i do have some general advice.įirst, you have to use a camera target which you should be very careful to set up when photographing. And set "warn on overwrite".Since Ken offered to talk you through it, I will let him do it. Further caution, be careful to output your new raw somewhere other than the source raw directory, or atleast with different name. If you set it to save "at save" (at completion of scan), *and* have an ICC profile being applied in the color tab, your second raw will *not* match the first (it should match): it will have the profile applied (contrary to Vuescan Help file). The safest way is to have it set save "at scan". One caution, if you get it into your head to output a Vuescan raw from a raw (needs to be enabled in Prefs tab), do be careful. I scan both the regular slides, and the target, with auto exposure off, and all exposure settings "centered". I actually create my raws through my Minolta scanner's software, but that's another story. If you happen to use the profile in PS, that is what it will show. Also, it is a good idea to fill in something descriptive in the description field. You can name the files anything you want, and have them saved (or sourced) anywhere. Regarding the naming conventions in scanner profiling process, the Vuescan helpfile is *very* confusing. So my output is like your "tiffB", I think. From then on, everything is Vuescan scan-from-disk, including the scanner profiling process. For me, step one is outputting raw files of everything, *including* the it8 target. if not then I have an answer!ĭave, sorry for overlooking your last paragraph in your initital posting. I'm assuming you guys can see a cast on the first scan I attached?. I don't have a monitor profile so I know that means I can't completely trust what I see - but the RGB values in photoshop seem to agree that there's a cast. I then set Vuescan back to defaults, deleted vuescan.ini, restarted vuescan and reentered all my settings (including pointing at the new scanner profile). Last attempt I created the profile as per the instructions, checked the date and time of the referenced profile file to ensure it was the one just created. I've made and remade the profile lots of times. how accurate does it have to be? It lines up pretty close but I'd be lying to say it was spot on. I'll give your suggestions a shot - also wasn't aware that right-clicking on the target did anything - try that too. It seems the profile is doing something (since the colour changes when I select "builtin") that was the first thing I tried from your advice on another thread (see last paragraph of my OP). Hopefully you will get a handle on what went wrong and obtain a good result soon. If all else fails, create the profile again using the IT8 target. Also, consider whether you might have had the Vuescan IT8 mask somehow misaligned when you scanned the target. It is surprisingly easy to select the wrong one, especially if you used the default names for these files but maybe stored them in a different location. In lieu of that, double check to make sure you are referencing both the correct ICC profile file (the one you created) and the correct data file, on the color tab. This is perhaps a long shot, but check to make sure that you didn't accidentally change your monitor profile in Vuescan to something funky when you were making your profiles. I have to think that either some setting still isn't right, or else something went wrong when you created the profile. As you suggested, you really should be seeing something at least "close".

Vuescan it8 target